After we hiked up a mountain to have lunch, Grandpa and I rode down the mountain on these scooters!

This is a cow that I encounter on one of the mountains. So I got close enough that I was able to pet it, but before I got to pet it, the cow licked my hand and its tounge felt really weird!

This is a picture of a mountain with a lake in front of it. My Dad says that there is some cool geology of folding rock layers that can be seen

When we were hiking up a mountain to go down in a cable car we saw this sign which in Swiss German says "Kids must be on Leash" because it is steep. I though it was a good laugh. 

This is the Matterhorn behind me. It was really cloudy that day so the most we saw was 2/3 of it.

Just found your blog via @lockwooddewitt. Subscribed!
schön....alles gut
und nice pictures too
no small scale phenomena?
Love the sign! And great pic of the Matterhorn.
(Came over from Lockwood's place.)
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